October 2020 Product Updates: Gender Inclusivity

Nov 11, 2020
Reading time: 5 min

Employees thrive when they can bring their whole selves to work. Creating an inclusive work environment can make a huge difference in boosting employee engagement, happiness, and retention.

Companies can support gender Non-binary and Non-conforming staff by normalizing pronoun usage across communications. Unfortunately, most HR tech platforms don't support options for gender Non-binary or Non-conforming, creating an uncomfortable experience for employees.

That's why we've made updates to ChartHop to allow you to surface pronouns directly in employee profiles. Beyond making all your employees feel respected, adding gender diverse designations to your data can bring depth to your DEI reporting and analysis.

Leveraging gender pronouns to foster inclusivity

Having to choose between only "male" and "female" on org platforms can be alienating for gender Non-binary and Non-conforming people. Orgs can set a welcoming tone when they encourage use of gender pronouns in org-wide platforms and communications.

With ChartHop, you can create a field for employees to fill out in their profile. Since different orgs have different needs, we've made this functionality very flexible.

Because identities are fluid and pronouns change, having a system that allows for flexibility can be a game-changer for recruiting and retaining gender diverse talent.

Creating a pronoun field

You'll need admin access to create a new field, so feel free to share this with a colleague if you don't have the appropriate access level. When creating fields for pronouns, we recommend creating them as short text or single-select.

  • Short-text provides employees more flexibility to input their pronouns as they wish to be identified.
  • Single-select allows employees to select from a drop-down menu that can funnel into data visualizations. These options can always be updated as the needs of your employees change.

Getting employees to add their pronouns

After you org has the field(s) set up, there are two options you have for employees to include their pronouns to their org profiles:

  1. Via Form -- You can put a question about pronouns into an "About Me" (custom employee profile questionnaire - you can name it as you wish) that you share with employees to fill out. There, you can prompt them with some more context on how they can enter their pronouns. This may be especially helpful if you are using a short-text type field.
About me
Survey question about pronouns
  1. Via Profile -- You can send employees to their profile by directing them to this link https://app.charthop.com/form/person - which will take each of them to their own individual Profile.

Use data to drive gender inclusivity with DEI reporting

Most HR tech doesn't enable users to capture and track employee data on gender diverse people. This leads to massive underreporting on key metrics that orgs can use to make sure all employees are engaged and feel they belong.

Adding pronoun fields to your employee profiles automagically flows into the following areas:

  • Profile: Right next to their name
  • Data Sheet: In Select Columns, just select your pronoun field within your list of Custom Fields
  • Org Chart: In "Highlight" (note: if you set up as single select, you will have a colorful visualization vs. short text which will be black and white)
  • Profile Tab: You can now customize your Profile tab to include any custom fields, including this pronoun field.
  • Reports: If you set up as short text you will need to create a custom series to report on different values or if you set up as single-select, you can easily report on the Pronouns.

Here's an example of an org chart highlighted by pronoun. Learn more about ChartHop's org chart here.

With gender inclusive designations, you can measure how the experience of Non-binary and Non-conforming staff compares with the org as a whole. You can easily identify pay and representation gaps across department and level, and make plans to fix them or prevent them from happening in the first place (using our compensation planning module).

Engendering an inclusive workplace has never been more important

The vocabulary and ways that people identify and express themselves is constantly changing. Its incumbent on orgs to foster work environments where everyone can show up and do their best work. Embedding gender inclusivity in your org's system and structures is an important step in engendering an inclusive and safe workplace for all.

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